Friday, November 24, 2006

The Sheesha Craze

It's that thing ----->
It's pretty ugly. But it's big and seems like "the only thing to do"

My grandad's got a sheesha on display in his house. It used to belong to my great grandfather. The first time I saw one actually being used was at a friend's birthday party, a few years ago. I stared in amazement when I saw her and her sister-in-law go high on the thing. Before that I thought it was only a thing old Arab men did. I never tried it though. At that time I was too scared my mum might find out. But even now I wouldn't do it. Not because I'm scared of being caught, but because it seems like a daft thing to do.

They all say that isn't as bad as smoking, but it's still tobacco and probably addictive..... and therefore I class it as a drug....and I wouldn't touch it....

This morning, I went round to a friend's flat. There was one standing in the corner in her living room. She's never tried it either, but her flat mates smoke it. She was telling me that her flat mates invited some people over the other night, and the put weed into it and smoked that. How stupid.

Monday, November 06, 2006

*Sniff, Sniff*....*Cough, Cough*

Stooopid cold! .... It's that time of year again when one pack of Kleelex pocket-sized tissues isn't enough to last you the whole day, your nose is bright red, you look like you've been crying all-day and you have huge bags under your eyes. ... Not to mention sounding like an old sleeping man because you have to breath through your mouth!

The best of it all is the fact that I have exams in like TWO weeks!
Two weeks!?.... I just started uni..... and, and it's just too soon!
So I've started the only-go-to-bed-when-it's-absolutely-essential thing. That means at about 3 o'clock at night when you're so tired that you start seeing things.
And lectures.... Why do they bother having them? People are literally sleeping through them ( really!). But I don't blame them, the lecturers are sad old people who speak like they're reading out of a book , in monotone. I end up losing concentration and thinking about daft things like "I don't have a matching bag with that new outfit I just bought" or "why are the lights on the ceiling a funny shape?". Why can't I just miss lectures and do the work on my own? (because the guilt of missing a lecture would kill me.... eventhough they're not "mandatory").