Thursday, December 06, 2007

#So Wavy, So Beautiful....#

We've all heard Outlandish's "Aicha" .... now make room for Abdullah....


Monday, December 03, 2007

Random Thoughts.....

It's funny how much noise a chocolate wrapper can actually make. Faces start looking up each time I try to break a piece of chocolate....and food isn't even allowed here!

It's raining heavily outside. It's amusing watching the odd person running across, trying not to get wet.... what I'm forgetting is that soon I'll have to do the same! But here, in the warmth of the library, looking out of the window, the rain looks pretty. The sound of it banging on the roof gives a sort of cosy feeling. Everything seems peaceful; something which has become rare lately.

The pain in my jaw seems to be getting worse. But I'm gonna ignore it. I'm not gonna give up and go home....So I'm sat here trying to pass time, alone. I don't wanna be around people. People make me angry. My excuse is that I'm ill, but who understands that? Instead, I've decided to stay away from 'em all.....before I say something and then regret it for the rest of my life.

It's nice to be alone sometimes. You don't get those deja vu conversations on marriage and how one 'em doesn't wanna marry her cousin back home or how the other's parents disagree with her choice of spouse. Yes I care about my friends, but talking about the same thing again and again and again doesn't get you anywhere.

I'm gonna go and pray Zuhr now, in a little mosque I discovered a week ago. I can't believe I didn't know of its existance before! It's a beautiful little Arab mosque, just a few streets away.... much better than the prayer room at uni! And Arab women are sooo cool! Unlike the typical Asian women, they're so loving....

Thursday, November 29, 2007

An old friend left the following message on my Facebook wall:

.......So I thought I'd let you know that I am still alive......well almost


Wednesday, October 24, 2007

The "Shawwal" Fasts

Fasting outside Ramadan is sooo hard. That Sabr you had during Ramadan just disappears.

Waking up in the morning is like mission impossible... especially when no-one in your house wants to fast that day and so you're on your own.

At uni when everyone's sipping their warm tea or hot chocolate (or smelly coffee), all you can do is sit in a little corner and watch....and listen to your stomach rumble!

At lunch your friends keep apologising while digging into their metre long Subway sandwich. Why do they apologise? (That to me has neva made sense)

But you know what makes it worse?..... The fact that you're not keeping the Shawwal fasts, but the other ones. I don't know why that makes it harder. It just does.

EDIT: Maybe it's harder cos you know you're not gonna get the reward you get for Shawwal fasts (reward for fasting six days = reward for fasting the whole year).... and in order to get that reward you have to keep an extra six are sooo lucky! :D

Ah only a few more to go..... I can do it....Inshallah...

Wednesday, September 26, 2007

Just Some Friendly Advice.....

....So it's Ramadan.....and when you're fasting it's perfectly normal to get bad breath. But that's O.K, cos you can't help it...... But what's annoying is when you make people smell your bad breath.

Like today, we had a clinical and the girl I was working with kept breathing in my face. It was awful. Couldn't she just not breath for the couple of seconds she had to get close?... I managed to hold my breath when it was my turn.

But you know your breath doesn't have to smell so bad. How?? Don't eat stuff that's more likely to give you bad breath for know like onions and stuff. And brush your teeth at sehri AFTER you've eaten. Some people actually think that if you've brushed before eating, you don't have to brush them afterwards. ... Nah it don't work like dat!

No you can't brush you're teeeth when you're fasting....but you can use a miswak. It does help to eliminate some of the stench.

And finally.... Don't breath in people's faces!

That's all I had to say :D

Thursday, September 13, 2007

It's that time of year again....

(From here)
Ramadan Mubarak everyone!
(Ain't it just great that everyone here in the U.K is starting Ramadan on the same day?)

Monday, August 27, 2007

The Butterfly

Lil sis is going to enter some competition where she has to write a story that has something to do with Islam. So we've been searching the internet for some inspiration. There was one story that I really liked, so I thought I'd share it with you lovely people. Here it is:

The Butterfly

A man found a cocoon of a butterfly. One day a small opening appeared.

He sat and watched the butterfly for several hours as it struggled to force its body through that little hole. Then it seemed to stop making any progress. It appeared as if it had gotten as far as it could, and it could go nofurther.

So the man decided to help the butterfly. He took a pair of scissors and snipped off the remaining bit of the cocoon. The butterfly then emerged easily. But it had a swollen body and small, shriveled wings. The man continued to watch the butterfly because he expected that, at any moment, the wings would enlarge and expand to be able to support the body, which would contract in time. Neither happened!

In fact, the butterfly spent the rest of its life crawling around with a swollen body and shriveled wings. It never was able to fly.

What the man, in his kindness and haste, did not understand was that the restricting cocoon and the struggle required for the butterfly to get through the tiny opening were Allah’s(God’s) way of forcing fluid from the body of the butterfly into its wings so that it would be ready for flight once it achieved its freedom from the cocoon.

Sometimes struggles are exactly what we need in our lives. If Allah allowed us to go through our lives without any obstacles, it would cripple us. We would not be as strong as what we could have been.

We could never fly!

(From here)

Thursday, July 12, 2007

At the Crack of Dawn

Sunrise in my city (I didn't take the picture btw!)

I’m sleeping silently and all of a sudden an ear-wrecking noise awakens me. Confused at what it might be, it takes me a few seconds to realise it’s my alarm clock. Eyes closed, head underneath pillow, my hand reaches out to find the snooze button…. Tranquillity at last. Without any further thought I fall back into my dreamy sleep.

Moments later the alarm begins to scream again. This time I make the extra effort of turning off the damn thing.

Fajr already. Seems like I only went to bed a few minutes ago.

I lay on my back staring at the dark ceiling, persuading myself to get up. I remind myself that Aṣ-ṣalātu khayru min an-naūm, Aṣ-ṣalātu khayru min an-naūm - Salat is better than sleep, salat is better than sleep.

I turn my head towards the window. The dark sky is slowing filling up with light; Fajr is going to end soon. Under my breath I recite Bismillah ir-Rahman ir-Rahim- In the name of Allah, most gracious, most merciful, and then jump out of bed.

I make my way down the stairs, towards the bathroom, making as much noise as possible- Silent dawah's the best kind isn't it?! ;)

Back in my room, I face the Kiblah and begin my salat- Allah u Akbar- Allah is the greatest.

It's so peaceful at this time: no noise, no people, no cars......just silence. It feels like the world has disappeared, and I'm here, all alone, standing infront of my lord.

I could stay on the prayer mat forever, but sleep lures me back into bed. As I close me eyes, I get a feeling of satisfaction, and ease....Truly, Salat is better than sleep.

Thursday, July 05, 2007

The Verdict....

This morning when my dad put all the post on the table, something caught my eye. Underneath the letters there was an envelope with "University of..." stamped onto it.

"OMG Results!" I screamed (by accident of course..). I had completely forgotten about them. Typical, when the day comes I forget!

Anyway...I picked up the envelope and carried on munching my toast (I wanted to finish my breakfast, cos if I had failed I wouldn't eat all day...and I was hungry o.k!?). Dad couldn't wait any longer, so he snatched the envelope....I snatched it back and carried on slurping my tea (we love each other really :D ).

You'd probably think I was used to this kinda thing by now, especially after A-levels. But getting A-level results wasn't as bad.... you could re-take and nobody would know (not that I ever did re-take)..... but at uni if you failed everbody would know...I mean EVERYBODY!... At uni they pin up the failiures names on the main notice board, and at home, because you're Pakistani, all your relatives find out...... which is total baistee!

Oh so when I did finally finish my breakfast, I opened the envelope.....*Drum roll* ..... I PASSED! Woooooh!

I was surprised cos for 6 out of 7 modules I only revised the night before..... and they were good passes!

Comment from dad- "hmmm..... all around 70%....hmmm....not bad for the first year, I suppose."

Honestly!.... My parents expectations are so high I need a ladder to reach them...... Anyone got a spare ladder? heh!

Wednesday, June 13, 2007

Seven Random Facts About Moi

The AqlMand Mcpagal tagged me aaaages ago..... I should get an award for procrastinating!

So here goes:

1) My two favourite colours are probably minty green and hot pink......But don't worry, I won't paint my room green and pink. (My room is actually minty green, but next time I redecorate it's gonna be white with pink accessories).

2)I've never thrown away a card anyone's given me. It's nice finding a card someone gave you years ago. The things written in it always make me smile. (by never, I mean as far as I can remember. I probably did throw them away when I was very ickle)

3) My favourite cartoon has to be Arthur. And the song is so catchy #every day when you're walking down the street.....# What? I'm a bit old for this am I?...well I never did wanna grow up. Maybe I should fly to Neverland with Peter Pan.......

4)My two favourite cars are the Beetle (I think it looks really funky) and the mini (It's just really cute!). When I graduate (Inshallah) and get a good job (Inshallah), I'm gonna spend my first years wage on one these cars (Inshallah..heh!)....oh and the car has to be black. ( I know that isn't a very wise plan, but then I totally lack wisdom)

5)Hmmmm....what else can I tell you.... I love flowers, but each time I look after one....... it dies. Maybe flowers don't love me :(

6)I'm bad with phones. If you ever call me, chances are my phone won't be on or I won't pick up because my phone's in my room while I'm on the other side of the city (I always get in trouble from my parents because of this). Also, if you text me I'll probably reply weeks later because I keep forgetting to top up.

7)People don't normally believe me when I tell them where I live, because of my accent. An old women once told me that my accent is rather posh.....well lemme tell ya... I aint got a posh accent..... It has got an element of Yorkshireness in it (me thinks). Maybe it isn't very strong Yorkshireness, but it's still there! (Does that even make sense??)

That was hard!

Oh and if you're reading this, you're tagged! Muhahahahahahah! :D

Wednesday, June 06, 2007


Two weeks have passed since exams ended.....and what have I done in this time? A big, fat nothing.

Well actually I've done a lot. A lot of useless things, that is. Like last week, we (me and my family) were left with 4 ickle kids while their parents relaxed somewhere in central Europe. And they were all off school last week, so everything was hectic! The eldest, aged 9, is a hyperactive little boy who doesn't know the meaning of "sit down". The youngest, a 3-year-old, watched CBeebies all week, and liked the volume really loud.....and when you'd turn the volume down, she'd cry :'( . The middle two were O.K I suppose.

Mum's taken me shopping like a gazillion times. What's wrong with that? I hear you ask. Well it's gets boring after a couple of visits....and it's not like she's buying me anything, everything's for the house....and my hand's hurt from picking up heavy bags filled with bed covers, cushions, curtains, name it, we've bought it.

I've started watching the news a lot. Maybe cos I'm just soooo bored. News is so depressing though. It's probably partly responsible for this depressing mood I'm in. And daytime T.V stinks, nothing decent is ever on.

I should do something usefull, like get a job. I wanted a job at an opticians for experience.... but nobody wants smelly, unexperienced, undergraduates. Ahhh who needs a job anyway! ( Well me actually.. that is if I don't want to get a loan for next year's tuition fees. Fees also stink).

Anyway, I'm ill. Probably been poisoined by that take away pizza I had that other day.... home made pizzas are much more yummier. So that's my excuse for not doing anything useful.

Yeah O.K....I'll shut up now.

Friday, May 04, 2007

The Cyber Jinn

I'm sat in a little corner in the computer room. Bored. Waiting for the clock to strike twelve so I can go to my lecture. The room is filled with third years. I've never seen so many of them. It's their last day, so did they decide to get together in the computer room (out of all places)?

A few minutes ago this happened:

Bimbo 1 and Bimbo 2 are sat opposite me, chatting away. A guy, Hedgehog-hair, comes up to them:

Hedgehog-hair: (In an I'm- trying-to-impress-you tone) Hey ladies! Shall I show you summat really cool on the net?

Bimbo 1and 2: (Excitedly) Yeah! Yeah!

Hedgehog-hair: (Types something onto the computer) Kay. Just ask it absolutely annyyy question and it'll give you the right answer!

Bimbo 1: Oh cooool! Me first! erm...erm... who was sitting behind me in the exam we just had?

Hedgehog- hair types this in and the correct answer appears instantly.

Bimbo 1 and 2: OooooMG! That's soooo freaky!.....

Bimbo 2: Now ask it who was sitting behind me! Quick!!

Hedgehog-hair types this in and the correct answer appears again.

Bimbo 1: OMG!...It's...It's a JINN!

Bimbo 2 agress. I'm trying really hard not to laugh. I hide my huge grin behind a book.
Near by, other people have heard the news of the JINN!

Scottish Guy: (In a sacrcastic tone) Don't ask it too many questions. It might want you to repay it for it's services!

Posh-accent-girl: There has to be logical explanation.

Bimbo 1: (Totally shocked) It's a Jinn. It's a Jinn!


Now they're all sat there discussing the posibilities of it being a Jinn. And I'm still trying not to laugh!... Honestly some people!

I'd better stop before the Jinn catches me! :D

(Btw, how did the computer know the right answer?!)

Saturday, April 28, 2007

Tag!.... You're It!

Traveller tagged me.... (my first tag! :D )

.....So I must now suffer the consequence:

People who get tagged must write in a blog of their own ten weird things or habits or little known facts as well as state this rule clearly. At the end you must choose six people to be tagged and list their names. No tagbacks!

But...but...before I start.....Can I be excluded from the "tag six people rule". My excus- I mean reason is that erm... I... erm... I don't know that many people..... and it'll just be really weird tagging a random person!....pleeeeasssee...pretty ;)

So where shall I start?:

1) While most people have annoying habits like biting their nail, I scratch the front of my head with my index finger. I'll scratch it when I'm watch T.V, when I'm studying (which is very rare) and even when I'm arguing with my brother! I promise I don't have nits!..... It's just like a reflex action. But thank God for the hijaab in public!

2) When I'm nervous I'll giggle in between every sentence I say. It obviously sounds really stooopid when the thing I'm talking about isn't at all funny. A distant relative of mine died in the South Asian earthquake and the next at school I had a group of people around me who were suprised to hear this.... and I went and said summat like, "...He was at work when it happened. The building he was in collapsed...hehe!"...... Oh the embarrasment!

3) I'd rather read a book than watch T.V.

4) I can't stand Bollywood! All the dancing and the over-reacting and the almost-nude-women... it's all just errrrr! And if you've seen one film, you've seen them all!
I don't think my disliking for bollywood is weird but everyone else seems to think it is. I'll get comments like "So you're a gori then?"- Err, where's the logic in that?

5) As long as it's not in excessive amounts, I like cooking and cleaning. Well who doesn't like yummy food and a nice, clean place to eat it in?

6)I'm obsessed with taking pictures of sunset. It's just soooo beautiful!

7) When I'm reading out loud, I tend to read with an Indian or American accent....Only when I'm alone though!

8) In winter, I love sitting infront of the heater and eating ice-cream.

9) I'm so attached to my computer, I might aswell live inside it.

10) When I'm bored I sit and cut-off the split ends on my hair, one by one.

So there!.... You probably think I'm the weirdest person ever.... but that's nothing new. :D

Saturday, April 14, 2007

I Want Bernard's Watch!*

I'm soo bored that I piled up my books and took a picture of 'em!

Don't you just wish you could stop time and catch up with all the revision you should have done over Easter?

*Remember Bernard's watch? I actually liked the progarmme when I was a kid...But now I think it's kinda lame....But I still want his watch!

Friday, April 13, 2007

Eye to Eye

Look into my eyes
And tell me what you see
You don't see a damn thing,
'cause you can't, until you try to relate to me.

You're blinded by our differences.
My life makes no sense to you.
I'm the persecuted Palestinian.
You are the American red, white and blue.

Each day you wake in tranquility.
No fears to cross your eyes.
Each day I wake in gratitude.
Thanking God he let me rise.

You worry about your education
And the bills you have to pay.
I worry about my vulnerable life
And if I'll survive another day.

Your biggest fear is getting ticketed
As you cruise your Cadillac.
My fear is that the tank that just left
Will turn around and come back.

American, do you realize,
That the taxes that you pay
Feed the forces that traumatize
My every living day?

The bulldozers and the tanks,
The gases and the guns,
The bombs that fall outside my door,
All due to American funds.

Yet do you know the truth
Of where your money goes?
Do you let your media deceive your mind?
Is this a truth that no one knows?

You blame me for defending myself
Against the ways of Zionists
I'm terrorized in my own land
And I'm the terrorist?

You think that you know all about terrorism
But you don't know it the way I do.
So let me define the term for you.
And teach you what you thought you knew.

I've known terrorism for quite some time,
Fifty- four years and more.
It's the fruitless garden uprooted in my yard.
It's the bulldozer in front of my door.

Terrorism breathes the air I breathe.
It's the checkpoint on my way to school.
It's the curfew that jails me in my own home,
And the penalties of breaking that curfew rule.

Terrorism is the robbery of my land.
And the torture of my mother.
The imprisonment of my innocent father.
The bullet in my baby brother.

So American, don't tell me you know about
The things I feel and see.
I'm terrorized in my own land
And the blame is put on me.

But I will not rest, I shall never settle
For the injustice my people endure.
Palestine is OUR land and there we'll remain
Until the day OUR homeland is secure.

And if that time shall never come,
Then we will never see a day of peace.
I will not be thrown from my own home,
Nor will fight for justice cease.

And if I am killed, it will be Falasteen. (Palestine)
It's written on my breath.
So in your own patriotic words,
Give me liberty or give me death.

Gihad Ali

The song "Look into my eyes" by Outlandish, based on this poem, is also really cool:

Monday, April 02, 2007

Facebook Sucks!

It's boring and completely pointless!.....I think I'm gonna delete my account.

Monday, March 26, 2007

Feel The Air...

....Shot into your eyes.

.....I "thought" I'd "volunteer" to be patient for third year optom students (I actually had no choice... it's compulsary!). The University's clinic is rather posh....nothing like what you'd find in the clinical labs - the playground for us inexperienced first years. It gave me quite a discomforting feeling; I had to act sort of "formal-ish".

I walked into the waiting area and it was all filled with old people...old, retired people who probably have nothing better to do but to become a student's guinea pig for a couple of hours...oh and they get a free eye test out of it!. So I waited. An old women sat opposite me kept staring at me. So I smiled at her... she just stared I looked away, but I knew she was still staring. A few minutes went by and a women with a toddler walked in. The little boy stood in the doorway and refused to move. He'd probably had some traumatic experience with student's in the past. After a few words of encouragement from the receptionist he walked in and sat beside me (only because the toy box was on the other side!). Within moments he was on the floor with huge building blocks, learning his colours. He entertained me for the remaining time.

It was finally my turn. It was quite amusing. Four students, smartly dressed in suits with lab coats, walked in (when have you EVER seen an optometrist in a lab coat?!...they're only for doctors!). They all stood in a line, clinging on to their clipboards, each waiting for the other to call out for their patient first. Their supervisor suddenly came in, and they all four of them quickly called out their patient's name...hehe!

This guy was gonna test my eyes. I can't even remember his name, but the badge on his lab coat didn't belong to him. I later found out that he left his lab coat at home, so had to borrow someone else's (why didn't he just take the badge off?!).But I did feel sorry for him....his supervisor was the guy who helps out in my visual optics practicals; Dr I'm-smart-your're-daft.

He started off by confirming all my details and asking about family history etc.... and well, my optician has ever asked me soooo many questions. It did get to the stage where I didn't feel like answering... but I had no choice! Oh and the comment he got from his supervisor was, "Be more specific, ask more questions if you have to." (what!?!).....AND he (the supervisor) was suprised that I spend about 3-4 hours a day on the computer; it probably explains why I can't answer his questions in practicals!

I think he tested my eyes using every possible technique, but it wasn't bad cos I did learn lots. In the end he said he was gonna check the pressure in my eyes... I wasn't sure how this was going to be done, but it didn't sound very nice!

He held this thing near my eye - it looked like an extra large sized stapler. I looked at the red light inside and waited... and waited... and then all of a sudden air shot into my eye. It made me jump (which was embarrasing!)..and..and it hurt! :'( . He did this four times in each eye..... That test should be illegal!..It's not safe! What if it punctured my cornea?!

I was there for two hours. Overall it wasn't bad...well other than the pressure thing... But it was very time consuming and I missed my extra lab practice! (yes I'm a swot!)

Sunday, March 04, 2007

Feeding An Army

I feel sorry for chickens and lambs whenever my mum invites anyone for dinner. Almost everything cooked contains meat or chicken.... and yesterday was no different.....

.... Mum had invited some people for dinner last night, and on Friday night we got a call from some distant relatives, telling us that they're gonna come over on Saturday afternoon. I nearly had a heart attack when I found out. That's 9 people in the afternoon and 11 in the evening.

So i had to wake up early yesterday (grrrr... saturday's the only day I get to sleep in). I did all the usual; quick shower, got dressed, cleaned my room. When I went downstairs, mum was already messing around with the extra-large sized pots and pans. My job was to make the lasagna.

After about 2 hours of messing around with 3lb of mince meat, a tonne of tomatoes, flour, milk and a load of other things, everything was ready. Now only the layers were left.

I buttered the dish, and started with a thin layer of mince...then pasta....then white sauce... then lots and lots of cheese.. and so on. I finally finished with cheese and sprinkled some oragano on top (so that it smells nice!..heh).

I shoved it in the oven and then helped mum with boring things... like making the salad and the hundreds of varieties of chutnies.

So the first lot came... ate... sat for a bit and went... then we cleaned up...and cooked some more. Then the second lot came and did the same. When they left I was exhausted..... and because mum thinks a dishwasher is a waste of space, all the dishes had to be hand washed. :(

We finished around 11ish....

That's when I realised it was the eclipse. So I impatiently stared the moon for about half an hour... then got bored and went to bed. This morning I found out that if had stayed there for about 15 more minutes I would have seen the whole eclipse...with the moon going red! Double GRRRRR!

That's a pic of the moon I took at about 11.30ish. Half the moon's covered. It isn't a very good pic. (magnified 8 times and there was a lampost in the way!)

Wednesday, February 21, 2007

The Top Secret Islamic Society

Before I started uni I was really excited about joining the Islamic Society. I saw it as a way to make a contribution to Islam in way other than "personal worship"; maybe even a door leading towards the world of Dawah and showing other people what Islam is really about.

Well, in fresher's week there were stalls set up by loads of different societies.... but.... Islamic Society was nowhere to be seen. So I checked out their website...It was last updated in 2002. Most of the talks they organise normally take place after eight in the evening, so I cant attend them ( I refuse to use the bus at that time, for obvious reasons), and when I do attend a talk I can never seem to find "the people at the top".

I was in the prayer room, and a sister was giving out leaflets. So I thought she'd know about how to join... and she did... sort of. She told me to leave my email address with her and she'll get in touch. That was 3 weeks ago and I haven't heard anything.So I've given up. I don't understand why they're so secretive, and why they're not active in getting new members.... It's a shame really.


A lecture finished early today. So I had 20mins before the next, and I thought I'd go and pray. Only problem was that the prayer room is on the other side of uni, so it takes about 15mins to get there....if you walk fast. Me and a friend decided to go anyway. We thought we'd walk extra fast.
So we went and prayed and got back. We were litetally like 2mins late....only 2mins.... and the lecture had started, but we walked in. Now normall y when someone walks in late no-one says anything, they just go find a spare seat and sit down..... well not today....

... We walked in and were about to turn to walk up the stairs when the lecturer came and stood in our way. One hundred and something pairs of eyes turned towards us and blinked simultaneously.

Grumpy lecturer with annoying Indian accent:
So is there a good reason as to why you are so late?

My brave friend:
We had to go to So and so building and it's a bit of a long walk

Me (hiding behing my friend) and my thoughts:
Don't look at me, it's not my fault you idiotic man... and will everyone stop staring!

Grumpy lecturer with annoying Indian accent:
And WHY did you HAVE to go there?

Me and my thoughts:
None of your bloody business.... now are you gonna move out of my way or not?

My brave friend:
Well it was prayer time so we had to go...

Grumpy lecturer:

Hah that shut him up! And moved him out of our way. There were few giggles from the back, but I'm not sure whether we were being laughed at or the lecturer (my guess is the lecturer!).

Wednesday, January 24, 2007

The Road To Mecca

Finally finished reading this book. It's totally cool.....I'd recommend it to anyone.

Thursday, January 04, 2007


I heard this that other day.... and well.... I miss my mum and I want her to come back! *Sniff, sniff* ( o.k maybe I'm a bit old for this) ..... Just four more days and she'll be back.

It was her birthday yesterday, so I rang her to say happy birthday. My uncle (mum's bro) threw her a surprise party, and she was telling me about all the fun they had and how she's gonna miss them all sooo much when she leaves...... Sounded like she doesn't want to come back! *feels even more depressed*

It's elevenish now and I'm trying to revise. I'm soooo tired, but I'm not gonna sleep! Only yesterday I realised how behind I am. (4 exams next week and I haven't done anything for one of them..... oh that's the one where I need to get through 24 powerpoints which are all at least 70 slides long).

I'm currently revising bones and different types of bone fractures and how they heal. Don't you think it's daft though. I mean as an optometrist, if someone comes to me with a fractured skull I'm not gonna do anything about it.... so why do we have to learn about it?