Saturday, April 14, 2007

I Want Bernard's Watch!*

I'm soo bored that I piled up my books and took a picture of 'em!

Don't you just wish you could stop time and catch up with all the revision you should have done over Easter?

*Remember Bernard's watch? I actually liked the progarmme when I was a kid...But now I think it's kinda lame....But I still want his watch!


Traveller said...

yeah! bernard's watch! i forgot about that..used to like watching that aswell.

hey, who's the author of that biochemistry book in ur pic?

The Funky Photon said...

The authors are David Hames and Nigel Hooper.... Why?!

Traveller said...

O right.

I need some books to help me with my revision (i do biochem) - is that book any good?

(i know i sound like a right ol' nerd

Anonymous said...

aww, that was a great programme, i loved that idea.

if you find the watch, can i have a go plz? for the same reasons as you, mostly :)

And lol i was checkin out the book titles too, thinking 'hmmm, she uses Tortora's Anatomy & Physiology? I prefer Thibodeau and Patton, myself'

The Funky Photon said...

Traveller: There's nothing nerdy about that!....That book's good- it keeps everything really simple

mcpagal: Of course you can have a soon as I find it! lol

I've neva really used any other anatomy and physiology book..That was the first book on the module's recommended book list, and because I'm really lazy I couldn't be bothered searching for the best book, so I just bought that... But I think it's good! :D

man I can't believe we're discussing my boring books!