Saturday, April 28, 2007

Tag!.... You're It!

Traveller tagged me.... (my first tag! :D )

.....So I must now suffer the consequence:

People who get tagged must write in a blog of their own ten weird things or habits or little known facts as well as state this rule clearly. At the end you must choose six people to be tagged and list their names. No tagbacks!

But...but...before I start.....Can I be excluded from the "tag six people rule". My excus- I mean reason is that erm... I... erm... I don't know that many people..... and it'll just be really weird tagging a random person!....pleeeeasssee...pretty ;)

So where shall I start?:

1) While most people have annoying habits like biting their nail, I scratch the front of my head with my index finger. I'll scratch it when I'm watch T.V, when I'm studying (which is very rare) and even when I'm arguing with my brother! I promise I don't have nits!..... It's just like a reflex action. But thank God for the hijaab in public!

2) When I'm nervous I'll giggle in between every sentence I say. It obviously sounds really stooopid when the thing I'm talking about isn't at all funny. A distant relative of mine died in the South Asian earthquake and the next at school I had a group of people around me who were suprised to hear this.... and I went and said summat like, "...He was at work when it happened. The building he was in collapsed...hehe!"...... Oh the embarrasment!

3) I'd rather read a book than watch T.V.

4) I can't stand Bollywood! All the dancing and the over-reacting and the almost-nude-women... it's all just errrrr! And if you've seen one film, you've seen them all!
I don't think my disliking for bollywood is weird but everyone else seems to think it is. I'll get comments like "So you're a gori then?"- Err, where's the logic in that?

5) As long as it's not in excessive amounts, I like cooking and cleaning. Well who doesn't like yummy food and a nice, clean place to eat it in?

6)I'm obsessed with taking pictures of sunset. It's just soooo beautiful!

7) When I'm reading out loud, I tend to read with an Indian or American accent....Only when I'm alone though!

8) In winter, I love sitting infront of the heater and eating ice-cream.

9) I'm so attached to my computer, I might aswell live inside it.

10) When I'm bored I sit and cut-off the split ends on my hair, one by one.

So there!.... You probably think I'm the weirdest person ever.... but that's nothing new. :D

Saturday, April 14, 2007

I Want Bernard's Watch!*

I'm soo bored that I piled up my books and took a picture of 'em!

Don't you just wish you could stop time and catch up with all the revision you should have done over Easter?

*Remember Bernard's watch? I actually liked the progarmme when I was a kid...But now I think it's kinda lame....But I still want his watch!

Friday, April 13, 2007

Eye to Eye

Look into my eyes
And tell me what you see
You don't see a damn thing,
'cause you can't, until you try to relate to me.

You're blinded by our differences.
My life makes no sense to you.
I'm the persecuted Palestinian.
You are the American red, white and blue.

Each day you wake in tranquility.
No fears to cross your eyes.
Each day I wake in gratitude.
Thanking God he let me rise.

You worry about your education
And the bills you have to pay.
I worry about my vulnerable life
And if I'll survive another day.

Your biggest fear is getting ticketed
As you cruise your Cadillac.
My fear is that the tank that just left
Will turn around and come back.

American, do you realize,
That the taxes that you pay
Feed the forces that traumatize
My every living day?

The bulldozers and the tanks,
The gases and the guns,
The bombs that fall outside my door,
All due to American funds.

Yet do you know the truth
Of where your money goes?
Do you let your media deceive your mind?
Is this a truth that no one knows?

You blame me for defending myself
Against the ways of Zionists
I'm terrorized in my own land
And I'm the terrorist?

You think that you know all about terrorism
But you don't know it the way I do.
So let me define the term for you.
And teach you what you thought you knew.

I've known terrorism for quite some time,
Fifty- four years and more.
It's the fruitless garden uprooted in my yard.
It's the bulldozer in front of my door.

Terrorism breathes the air I breathe.
It's the checkpoint on my way to school.
It's the curfew that jails me in my own home,
And the penalties of breaking that curfew rule.

Terrorism is the robbery of my land.
And the torture of my mother.
The imprisonment of my innocent father.
The bullet in my baby brother.

So American, don't tell me you know about
The things I feel and see.
I'm terrorized in my own land
And the blame is put on me.

But I will not rest, I shall never settle
For the injustice my people endure.
Palestine is OUR land and there we'll remain
Until the day OUR homeland is secure.

And if that time shall never come,
Then we will never see a day of peace.
I will not be thrown from my own home,
Nor will fight for justice cease.

And if I am killed, it will be Falasteen. (Palestine)
It's written on my breath.
So in your own patriotic words,
Give me liberty or give me death.

Gihad Ali

The song "Look into my eyes" by Outlandish, based on this poem, is also really cool:

Monday, April 02, 2007

Facebook Sucks!

It's boring and completely pointless!.....I think I'm gonna delete my account.