Wednesday, June 06, 2007


Two weeks have passed since exams ended.....and what have I done in this time? A big, fat nothing.

Well actually I've done a lot. A lot of useless things, that is. Like last week, we (me and my family) were left with 4 ickle kids while their parents relaxed somewhere in central Europe. And they were all off school last week, so everything was hectic! The eldest, aged 9, is a hyperactive little boy who doesn't know the meaning of "sit down". The youngest, a 3-year-old, watched CBeebies all week, and liked the volume really loud.....and when you'd turn the volume down, she'd cry :'( . The middle two were O.K I suppose.

Mum's taken me shopping like a gazillion times. What's wrong with that? I hear you ask. Well it's gets boring after a couple of visits....and it's not like she's buying me anything, everything's for the house....and my hand's hurt from picking up heavy bags filled with bed covers, cushions, curtains, name it, we've bought it.

I've started watching the news a lot. Maybe cos I'm just soooo bored. News is so depressing though. It's probably partly responsible for this depressing mood I'm in. And daytime T.V stinks, nothing decent is ever on.

I should do something usefull, like get a job. I wanted a job at an opticians for experience.... but nobody wants smelly, unexperienced, undergraduates. Ahhh who needs a job anyway! ( Well me actually.. that is if I don't want to get a loan for next year's tuition fees. Fees also stink).

Anyway, I'm ill. Probably been poisoined by that take away pizza I had that other day.... home made pizzas are much more yummier. So that's my excuse for not doing anything useful.

Yeah O.K....I'll shut up now.


Anonymous said...
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Witness said...

Assalamu alykum sis,

why don't you join a temping agency and do some temp medical secretary work? The pays good alhamdulillah

The Funky Photon said...

hmmmmm sounds like a good idea... thanx!