Wednesday, June 13, 2007

Seven Random Facts About Moi

The AqlMand Mcpagal tagged me aaaages ago..... I should get an award for procrastinating!

So here goes:

1) My two favourite colours are probably minty green and hot pink......But don't worry, I won't paint my room green and pink. (My room is actually minty green, but next time I redecorate it's gonna be white with pink accessories).

2)I've never thrown away a card anyone's given me. It's nice finding a card someone gave you years ago. The things written in it always make me smile. (by never, I mean as far as I can remember. I probably did throw them away when I was very ickle)

3) My favourite cartoon has to be Arthur. And the song is so catchy #every day when you're walking down the street.....# What? I'm a bit old for this am I?...well I never did wanna grow up. Maybe I should fly to Neverland with Peter Pan.......

4)My two favourite cars are the Beetle (I think it looks really funky) and the mini (It's just really cute!). When I graduate (Inshallah) and get a good job (Inshallah), I'm gonna spend my first years wage on one these cars (Inshallah..heh!)....oh and the car has to be black. ( I know that isn't a very wise plan, but then I totally lack wisdom)

5)Hmmmm....what else can I tell you.... I love flowers, but each time I look after one....... it dies. Maybe flowers don't love me :(

6)I'm bad with phones. If you ever call me, chances are my phone won't be on or I won't pick up because my phone's in my room while I'm on the other side of the city (I always get in trouble from my parents because of this). Also, if you text me I'll probably reply weeks later because I keep forgetting to top up.

7)People don't normally believe me when I tell them where I live, because of my accent. An old women once told me that my accent is rather posh.....well lemme tell ya... I aint got a posh accent..... It has got an element of Yorkshireness in it (me thinks). Maybe it isn't very strong Yorkshireness, but it's still there! (Does that even make sense??)

That was hard!

Oh and if you're reading this, you're tagged! Muhahahahahahah! :D


Anonymous said...

Whoo, you did it!

And by the way, I love the Yorkshire accent :D

Traveller said...

i luv the yaarksheer accent

The Funky Photon said...

The Yorkshire accent rocks! lol!