Wednesday, January 16, 2008

What Exams Do To You...

The exam's just ended. Everyone's impatiently waiting for their paper to be collected. The invigilator, an old man probably in his fifties, comes to my desk to collect my paper. He points to my arm and then points to his own.....


(Panic!...What?! Does he think I cheated or something... Is there something written on my arm?! Oh my God!...What am I gonna do...What if he thinks I cheated and I get disqualified from the exam?...or worst still.....what if I get kicked out of uni! Oh my God...Oh my God!)

(I finally mumble out a few words) Erm....Sorry?


My jacket and yours....they're the same!

(The checked pattern on his jacket was similar to the checked pattern on my coat)


Oh!...Yeh! (Is that it!?.....breath!).....Hahahah

Now I can't stop laughing at my stupidity!


Anonymous said...

Hey sis, assalamu alykum!

LOL I would have totally been paranoid like you if that happened to me!

I hope the exam went well, and insha Allah you'll pass with flying colours! XXX

Traveller said...

lol! i woulda been like that aswell :D

hope you did well in the exam iA!