Thursday, December 28, 2006

Temporary Mum

Seems likes aaages since I last blogged... actually it has been ages.... over a month...

But I've really busy. Mum's not at home. She's gone abroad, to meet her mum, for a whole month. So with me being the eldest, I have to be "temporary mum", and believe me it totally sucks!

I have to do all the really minging things like waking up early in the morning and making the breakfast (dad helps with that.... on most days he even cleans the kitchen before going to work), cleaning the house from top to bottom every single day (But I tend to miss things out like not mopping the floors in the bedrooms... nobody'll know!)... oh and cleaning the bathroom (nobody even offers to do that!).

With even more exams on the way (when will they end!?), I really need to revise.... but when!?! Well maybe it is slightly my fault for being sooo unorganised and not using my time effectively. Like today I had a few hours in which I could have revised.... but this is how I spent them:

11.00- 12.00..... got home and had a bath
12.00- 12.30..... lecturing my lil sis (she woke up in a bad mood, went to mosque and then refused to read.... how embarrasing!!)
12.30- 1.15.... fed my siblings
1.15- 3.00.... as a punishment, I made my sister sit in my room and learn the sixth kalimah ... however ended up helping her learn it
3.00 - present time .... made myself tea and a tuna & sweetcorn sandwhich, and I am currently stuffing my face with it....mmmmmmm
I've got an hour free now... and I'll try to use it constructively!

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